Top 10 Flying Turn-Offs Revealed So You Don’t Have to Wing It

Whether you fly frequently for business or leisure, there are certain things that can completely ruin your flight experience. From crying babies to rude passengers, there are plenty of flying turn-offs that can make your journey less comfortable and enjoyable. However, thanks to a recent survey conducted by The Travel Magazine, we now know the top 10 biggest flying turn-offs that passengers have revealed. In this article, we will explore each of these turn-offs in detail and provide tips on how to avoid or deal with them.

1. Lack of Legroom – The Problem That’s Hard to Ignore

Top 10 Flying Turn-Offs Revealed So You Don

When it comes to flying, one of the most common complaints that passengers have is the lack of legroom. This is especially true for those who are tall or have long legs. Being cramped in a small seat for several hours can not only be uncomfortable but also lead to health issues such as blood clots.

Understanding the Issue of Legroom

The standard economy seats on most airlines offer a seat pitch (distance between seats) of around 30-32 inches. This may be fine for short flights, but for longer journeys, it can become unbearable. Plus, with airlines trying to squeeze in more seats to increase profits, the situation is only becoming worse.

To put things into perspective, back in the 1980s, the average seat pitch was around 34-35 inches. Fast forward to today, and it has reduced to 30-32 inches. This decrease in legroom can be attributed to the rise of budget airlines, which have popularized the concept of “no-frills” flights at lower prices.

How to Cope With Lack of Legroom

While it may not be possible to have more legroom unless you upgrade to a premium class, there are some ways to cope with this flying turn-off:

  • Choose your seat carefully: When booking your flight, try to select a seat with extra legroom, such as seats near emergency exits or in the bulkhead row.
  • Stretch and move around: Don’t be afraid to get out of your seat and stretch your legs every once in a while. This will not only help with circulation but also make you feel more comfortable.
  • Invest in a good travel pillow: Bringing your own travel pillow can provide some much-needed support for your neck and back, making it easier to relax and even sleep during the flight.

2. Crying Babies – A Common and Unavoidable Issue

Top 10 Flying Turn-Offs Revealed So You Don

Babies crying on a flight is something that most passengers dread. The high altitude, pressure changes, and unfamiliar environment can cause babies to become fussy and cry during a flight. Unfortunately, this is a natural occurrence, and there’s not much parents can do to prevent it.

Why Do Babies Cry on Flights?

There are several reasons why babies cry on flights, including:

  • Pressure changes: Just like adults, babies also experience discomfort due to pressure changes during takeoff and landing. However, since they cannot pop their ears to equalize the pressure, they may cry instead.
  • Ear pain: Babies have smaller ear canals, which make them more sensitive to pressure changes. This can cause ear pain, leading to fussiness and crying.
  • Unfamiliar environment: The loud noises, unfamiliar people, and confined space of an airplane can be overwhelming for babies, causing them to cry.

How to Deal With Crying Babies

While we cannot control when babies cry, we can control how we respond to it. Here are a few tips on how to deal with crying babies on a flight:

  • Stay calm: It’s important to remember that the baby’s parents are probably more stressed out than you are. Instead of getting agitated, try to stay calm and patient.
  • Distract yourself: If you’re finding it hard to tune out the crying, try listening to music or watching a movie to distract yourself.
  • Bring noise-canceling headphones: Investing in a good pair of noise-canceling headphones can significantly reduce the sound of crying babies.

3. Rude Passengers – The Human Factor That Can Ruin Your Flight

Top 10 Flying Turn-Offs Revealed So You Don

Another major turn-off for passengers on a flight is rude or disruptive passengers. Whether it’s talking loudly, playing loud music, or constantly kicking the back of your seat, dealing with rude passengers can be incredibly frustrating.

Types of Rude Passengers

Here are some common types of rude passengers that you may come across during a flight:

  • The Chatterbox: This passenger just won’t stop talking. They may talk loudly on their phone, to other passengers, or even to themselves, making it difficult for those around them to relax.
  • The Space Invader: This passenger has no regard for personal space and will often take up more space than they are assigned. This can include invading your legroom, using your armrests, or spreading their belongings onto your seat.
  • The Armrest Hogger: This passenger will take up both armrests, leaving you with no place to rest your arms.
  • The Loud Music Listener: This passenger loves their music so much that they want the whole plane to hear it as well. They may play loud music through their headphones or even out loud, disrupting the peace and quiet of the flight.
  • The Seat Kicker: This passenger is often a child who cannot sit still and constantly kicks the seat in front of them.

How to Handle Rude Passengers

While it may be tempting to confront rude passengers, it’s best to avoid any conflict during a flight. Here are a few ways to handle rude passengers without creating a scene:

  • Use non-verbal cues: If someone is talking too loudly, gently place your finger on your lips or give them a polite smile to indicate that you would prefer some peace and quiet.
  • Speak to the flight attendant: If the behavior of a passenger is causing a disturbance, speak to the flight attendant and let them handle the situation.
  • Stay calm and ignore: The best way to deal with rude passengers is to simply ignore them and focus on your own comfort and well-being. Listening to music or doing an activity like reading can help you tune out any disruptions.

4. Bad Smells – A Turn-off That’s Hard to Ignore

Another flying turn-off that can completely ruin your flight experience is bad smells. From strong body odors to smelly food, dealing with unpleasant smells on a plane can be challenging.

Causes of Bad Smells on a Plane

There are several factors that can contribute to bad smells on a plane, including:

  • Poor hygiene: When traveling, it’s essential to maintain proper hygiene, but not everyone does. This can lead to body odors that can be unpleasant for those sitting nearby.
  • Strong-smelling food: While it’s perfectly fine to bring food on a flight, it’s important to be considerate of others. Bringing foods with strong smells such as durian or garlic can be disruptive to other passengers.
  • Stagnant air circulation: Due to the confined space of an airplane, the air circulation may not be as effective as in other modes of transportation. This can lead to stale air, which can make bad smells linger longer.

How to Cope with Bad Smells on a Flight

Dealing with bad smells on a flight can be tricky, but here are a few tips that can help:

  • Carry a travel-sized perfume/cologne: Bringing a small bottle of perfume or cologne can help you freshen up if you encounter any bad smells.
  • Use a scented travel-friendly product: Products such as scented hand sanitizers or wipes can help mask any unpleasant odors.
  • Speak to the flight attendant: If the smell is coming from a specific source, such as food, speak to the flight attendant and request for it to be removed.

5. Inconsiderate Seat Recliners – A Common Issue That Causes Discomfort

Many passengers look forward to reclining their seats during a flight to get some rest or just have more space. However, not everyone has the same courtesy, and inconsiderate seat recliners are another flying turn-off that many passengers have to deal with.

Understanding the Issue of Inconsiderate Seat Recliners

The problem with seat recliners is that while they may be comfortable for the person reclining, it can cause great discomfort for the person sitting behind them. The reduced legroom and inability to sit upright can make it hard to eat, work, or even watch a movie.

How to Handle Inconsiderate Seat Recliners

Here are a few ways to deal with inconsiderate seat recliners:

  • Communicate politely: If you need to recline your seat, try to communicate with the person behind you and ask if it’s okay. Similarly, if someone has reclined their seat and you’re feeling uncomfortable, politely let them know.
  • Use a device to support your laptop: If you need to use your laptop or tablet on a flight, invest in a device that can hold it securely so that you can still work or watch a movie comfortably, even if the person in front of you reclines their seat.
  • Upgrade your seat: If you’re willing to spend a little extra, consider upgrading to a seat with extra legroom, such as an exit row or premium economy.

6. Delays and Cancellations – A Frustrating Reality of Air Travel

Despite the advancements in technology, flight delays and cancellations continue to be a major issue for passengers all over the world. Not only can they cause inconvenience, but they can also ruin travel plans and lead to financial losses.

Causes of Flight Delays and Cancellations

There are several factors that can cause flight delays and cancellations, including:

  • Weather conditions: Inclement weather such as heavy rain, fog, or snow can make it unsafe for flights to take off or land.
  • Mechanical issues: Airlines may delay or cancel flights due to mechanical problems with the aircraft to ensure passenger safety.
  • Air traffic congestion: During peak travel times, airports may experience high air traffic, leading to delays and cancellations.
  • Crew shortages: If a crew member falls ill or is delayed on a previous flight, it can lead to a delay or cancellation of a subsequent flight.

How to Deal with Flight Delays and Cancellations

Dealing with flight delays and cancellations can be frustrating, but here are some ways to cope with them:

  • Stay informed: Stay updated on your flight status by checking the airline’s website or app regularly. This way, you can plan accordingly.
  • Be prepared for the worst-case scenario: In case of a long delay or cancellation, make sure you have essential items such as medication, snacks, and a change of clothes with you.
  • Know your rights: Familiarize yourself with the airline’s policies on delays and cancellations and know what compensation you are entitled to.

Conclusion: Coping with Flying Turn-Offs is Possible

While we cannot control many of the flying turn-offs that we may encounter during a flight, we can certainly take steps to minimize their impact on our journey. By understanding the causes of these turn-offs and knowing how to cope with them, we can make our flying experience more comfortable and enjoyable. So, the next time you’re on a flight, remember these tips and tricks to make your journey as smooth as possible.

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